Results for 'Tina M. Grieco-Calub'

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  1.  15
    Rethinking Emergent Literacy in Children With Hearing Loss.Erin M. Ingvalson, Tina M. Grieco-Calub, Lynn K. Perry & Mark VanDam - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Belief Shift or Only Facilitation: How Semantic Expectancy Affects Processing of Speech Degraded by Background Noise.Katherine M. Simeon, Klinton Bicknell & Tina M. Grieco-Calub - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The automatic access of emotion: Emotional Stroop effects in Spanish–English bilingual speakers.Tina M. Sutton, Jeanette Altarriba, Jennifer L. Gianico & Dana M. Basnight-Brown - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (5):1077-1090.
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    Why Film History Should Not Repeat Itself.Tina M. Kelleher - 1999 - Film-Philosophy 3 (1).
    _Celebrating 1895: The Centenary of Cinema_ Edited by John Fullerton Sydney: John Libbey, 1998 ISBN 1-86462-015-3 288 pp.
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    Effects of Dance Interventions on Aspects of the Participants' Self: A Systematic Review.Tina M. Schwender, Sarah Spengler, Christina Oedl & Filip Mess - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Regulation by transcription attenuation in bacteria: how RNA provides instructions for transcription termination/antitermination decisions.Tina M. Henkin & Charles Yanofsky - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (8):700-707.
    Regulation of gene expression by premature termination of transcription, or transcription attenuation, is a common regulatory strategy in bacteria. Various mechanisms of regulating transcription termination have been uncovered, each can be placed in either of two broad categories of termination events. Many mechanisms involve choosing between two alternative hairpin structures in an RNA transcript, with the decision dependent on interactions between ribosome and transcript, tRNA and transcript, or protein and transcript. In other examples, modification of the transcription elongation complex is (...)
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    The “Integrative Justice Model” as Transformative Justice for Base-of-the-Pyramid Marketing.Tina M. Facca-Miess, Gene R. Laczniak & Nicholas J. C. Santos - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (4):697-707.
    Writing in the Business and Politics, Santos and Laczniak 2012) formulated a normative, ethical approach to be followed when marketers e ngage impoverished market segments. It is labeled the integrative justice model. As noted below, that approach called for authentic engagement, co-creation, and customer interest representation, among other elements, when transacting with vulnerable market segments. Basically, the IJM derived certain operational virtues, implied by moral philosophy, to be used when marketing to the poor. But this well-intentioned approach raises a significant (...)
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  8.  17
    Differences in narrative productions of closed head-injured adults.William B. Wolfolk, Donald Fucci, Fay E. Dutka, Laura M. Herberholz & Tina M. Latorre - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (3):226-228.
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    Help from faculty: Findings from the acadia institute graduate education study.Melissa S. Anderson, Elo Charity Oju & Tina M. R. Falkner - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (4):487-503.
    Doctoral students receive many kinds of assistance from faculty members, but much of this support falls short of mentoring. This paper takes the perspective that it is more important to find out what kinds of help students receive from faculty than to assume that students are taken care of by mentors, as distinct from advisors or role models. The findings here are based on both survey and interview data collected through the Acadia Institute’s project on Professional Values and Ethical Issues (...)
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    An Integrative Model of the Influence of Parental and Peer Support on Consumer Ethical Beliefs: The Mediating Role of Self-Esteem, Power, and Materialism.Elodie Gentina, L. J. Shrum, Tina M. Lowrey, Scott J. Vitell & Gregory M. Rose - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (4):1173-1186.
    What causes adolescents to develop consumer’ ethical beliefs? Prior research has largely focused on the negative influence of peers and negative patterns of parent–child interactions to explain risky and unethical consumer behaviors. We take a different perspective by focusing on the positive support of parents and peers in adolescent social development. An integrative model is developed that links parental and peer support with adolescents’ self-worth motives, their materialistic tendencies, and their consumer ethical beliefs. In a study of 984 adolescents, we (...)
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  11.  33
    Coping with Loneliness Through Materialism: Strategies Matter for Adolescent Development of Unethical Behaviors.Elodie Gentina, L. J. Shrum & Tina M. Lowrey - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (1):103-122.
    Engaging in unethical consumption behaviors is an acute societal problem that can have severe consequences for adolescents, and businesses in particular have been accused of making such consumption particularly appealing and accessible. However, the causes of unethical behaviors are not well understood and research on the causes has been mixed. In this research, we investigate the effects of coping strategies for loneliness on adolescents’ adoption of unethical behaviors, a topic that business ethics research has not explored. In a large-scale study (...)
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  12.  15
    Infants aren't biased toward fearful faces.Andrew M. Herbert, Kirsten Condry & Tina M. Sutton - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e65.
    Grossmann's argument for the “fearful ape hypothesis” rests on an incomplete review of infant responses to emotional faces. An alternate interpretation of the literature argues the opposite, that an early preference for happy faces predicts cooperative learning. Questions remain as to whether infants can interpret affect from faces, limiting the conclusion that any “fear bias” means the infant is fearful.
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    Love and Organizing in the Context of the Base of the Pyramid: An Integrative Justice Perspective.Nicholas J. C. Santos & Tina M. Facca-Miess - 2024 - Humanistic Management Journal 9 (2):155-165.
    This paper provides an overview of the Integrative Justice Model (IJM) for impoverished populations that was introduced in the marketing literature in the year 2009. The IJM was developed as a normative ethical framework to guide the growing corporate interest in the base of the pyramid (BoP) market to be fair and just to all parties but particularly the impoverished customer. In an impersonal marketplace that often exploits the less advantaged participant, the IJM provides five characteristics of “just” market situations. (...)
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  14. Intellectual capital and voting booth bioethics : a contemporary historical critique.M. L. Tina Stevens - 2007 - In Lisa A. Eckenwiler & Felicia Cohn, The ethics of bioethics: mapping the moral landscape. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
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    Business Versus Ethics? Thoughts on the Future of Business Ethics.M. Tina Dacin, Jeffrey S. Harrison, David Hess, Sheila Killian & Julia Roloff - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (3):863-877.
    To commemorate 40 years since the founding of the Journal of Business Ethics, the editors in chief of the journal have invited the editors to provide commentaries on the future of business ethics. This essay comprises a selection of commentaries aimed at creating dialogue around the theme Business versus Ethics?. The authors of these commentaries seek to transcend the age-old separation fallacy :409–421, 1994) that juxtaposes business and ethics/society, posing a forced choice or trade off. Providing a contemporary take on (...)
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    Looking beyond Popper: how philosophy can be relevant to ecology.Tina Heger, Alkistis Elliott-Graves, Marie I. Kaiser, Katie H. Morrow, William Bausman, Gregory P. Dietl, Carsten F. Dormann, David J. Gibson, James Griesemer, Yuval Itescu, Kurt Jax, Andrew M. Latimer, Chunlong Liu, Jostein Starrfelt, Philip A. Stephens & Jonathan M. Jeschke - 2025 - Oikos 2025 (2):e10994.
    Current workflows in academic ecology rarely allow an engagement of ecologists with philosophers, or with contemporary philosophical work. We argue that this is a missed opportunity for enriching ecological reasoning and practice, because many questions in ecology overlap with philosophical questions and with current topics in contemporary philosophy of science. One obstacle to a closer connection and collaboration between the fields is the limited awareness of scientists, including ecologists, of current philosophical questions, developments and ideas. In this article, we aim (...)
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    When in Doubt, Follow the Crowd? Responsiveness to Social Proof Nudges in the Absence of Clear Preferences.Tina A. G. Venema, Floor M. Kroese, Jeroen S. Benjamins & Denise T. D. de Ridder - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Nudges have gained popularity as a behavioral change tool that aims to facilitate the selection of the sensible choice option by altering the way choice options are presented. Although nudges are designed to facilitate these choices without interfering with people’s prior preferences, both the relation between individuals’ prior preferences and nudge effectiveness, as well as the notion that nudges ‘facilitate’ decision-making have received little empirical scrutiny. Two studies examine the hypothesis that a social proof nudge is particularly effective when people (...)
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    Beating Up Bioethics. [REVIEW]M. L. Tina Stevens - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 31 (5):40-45.
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    Institutional Antecedents of Partnering for Social Change: How Institutional Logics Shape Cross-Sector Social Partnerships.Clodia Vurro, M. Tina Dacin & Francesco Perrini - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (1):39-53.
    Heeding the call for a deeper understanding of how cross-sector social partnerships can be managed across different contexts, this article integrates ideas from institutional theory with current debate on cross-boundary collaboration. Adopting the point of view of business actors interested in forming a CSSP to address complex social problems, we suggest that “appropriateness” needs shape business approaches toward partnering for social change, exerting an impact on the benefits that can be gained from it. A theoretical framework is proposed that identifies (...)
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  20.  33
    The Continued Need for Diversity in Fraud Research.Vikas Anand, M. Tina Dacin & Pamela R. Murphy - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (4):751-755.
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  21. Psychological Pathways to Fraud: Understanding and Preventing Fraud in Organizations. [REVIEW]Pamela R. Murphy & M. Tina Dacin - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (4):601-618.
    In response to calls for more research on how to prevent or detect fraud (ACAP, Final Report of the Advisory Committee on the Auditing Profession, United States Department of the Treasury, Washington, DC, 2008 ; AICPA, SAS No. 99: Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit, New York, NY, 2002 ; Carcello et al., Working Paper, University of Tennessee, Bentley University and Kennesaw State University, 2008 ; Wells, Journal of Accountancy, 2004 ), we develop a framework that identifies three (...)
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    The Influence of Background Music on Learning in the Light of Different Theoretical Perspectives and the Role of Working Memory Capacity.Janina A. M. Lehmann & Tina Seufert - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:297754.
    This study investigates how background music influences learning with respect to three different theoretical approaches. Both the Mozart effect as well as the arousal-mood-hypothesis indicate that background music can potentially benefit learning outcomes. While the Mozart effect assumes a direct influence of background music on cognitive abilities, the arousal-mood-hypothesis assumes a mediation effect over arousal and mood. However, the seductive detail effect indicates that seductive details such as background music worsen learning. Moreover, as working memory capacity has a crucial influence (...)
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    Case Report: Deep Brain Stimulation to the Ventral Internal Capsule/Ventral Striatum Induces Repeated Transient Episodes of Voltage-Dependent Tourette-Like Behaviors.Joan A. Camprodon, Tina Chou, Abigail A. Testo, Thilo Deckersbach, Jeremiah M. Scharf & Darin D. Dougherty - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Deep Brain Stimulation is an invasive device-based neuromodulation technique that allows the therapeutic direct stimulation of subcortical and deep cortical structures following the surgical placement of stimulating electrodes. DBS is approved by the U.S. Federal Drug Administration for the treatment of movement disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder, while new indications, including Major Depressive Disorder, are in experimental development. We report the case of a patient with MDD who received DBS to the ventral internal capsule and ventral striatum bilaterally and presented with (...)
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  24.  42
    Beating up BioethicsBioethics in America. Origins and Cultural PoliticsCulture of Death. The Assault on Medical Ethics in America.Albert R. Jonsen, M. L. Tina Stevens & Wesley J. Smith - 2001 - Hastings Center Report 31 (5):40.
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    Can Music Foster Learning – Effects of Different Text Modalities on Learning and Information Retrieval.Janina A. M. Lehmann & Tina Seufert - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Understanding the social impact of ICN: between myth and reality.G. Piro, S. Signorello, M. R. Palattella, L. A. Grieco, G. Boggia & T. Engel - 2017 - AI and Society 32 (3):401-419.
    The information-centric networking paradigm is attracting more and more interest from the research community due to its peculiarities that make it one of the best candidates for constructing the future Internet. For this reason, there are many papers in literature that study how to transform ICN principles in reality in order to magnify its relevance for the society. In order to provide a solid summary of the state of the art, the present contribution tries to summarize the main findings related (...)
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    Abnormalities of functional brain networks in pathological gambling: a graph-theoretical approach.Melanie Tschernegg, Julia S. Crone, Tina Eigenberger, Philipp Schwartenbeck, Mira Fauth-Bühler, Tagrid Lemènager, Karl Mann, Natasha Thon, Friedrich M. Wurst & Martin Kronbichler - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  28.  61
    Collective Social Entrepreneurship: Collaboratively Shaping Social Good. [REVIEW]A. Wren Montgomery, Peter A. Dacin & M. Tina Dacin - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (3):375-388.
    In this paper, we move beyond the typical focus on the role of individuals in leading social change to examine "collective social entrepreneurship", the role multiple actors collaboratively play to address social problems, create new institutions, and dismantle outdated institutional arrangements. Specifically, we examine collective social entrepreneurship across a diverse range of collaborative activities including movements, alliances and markets for social good. We identify resource utilization approaches and three associated sets of activities that illustrate the work of collective social entrepreneurs—framing, (...)
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    White matter microstructure and sleep-wake disturbances in individuals at ultra-high risk of psychosis.Jesper Ø Rasmussen, Dorte Nordholm, Louise B. Glenthøj, Marie A. Jensen, Anne H. Garde, Jayachandra M. Ragahava, Poul J. Jennum, Birte Y. Glenthøj, Merete Nordentoft, Lone Baandrup, Bjørn H. Ebdrup & Tina D. Kristensen - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:1029149.
    AimWhite matter changes in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis (UHR) may be involved in the transition to psychosis. Sleep-wake disturbances commonly precede the first psychotic episode and predict development of psychosis. We examined associations between white matter microstructure and sleep-wake disturbances in UHR individuals compared to healthy controls (HC), as well as explored the confounding effect of medication, substance use, and level of psychopathology.MethodsSixty-four UHR individuals and 35 HC underwent clinical interviews and diffusion weighted imaging. Group differences on global (...)
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  30. M. Griffiths and M. Whitford, , Feminist Perspectives in Philosophy. [REVIEW]Tina Chanter - 1990 - Radical Philosophy 56:50.
  31.  21
    Scope note 32: A just share: Justice and fairness in resource allocation.Pat Milmoe McCarrick & Tina Darragh - 1997 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 7 (1):81-102.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Just Share: Justice and Fairness in Resource Allocation*Pat Milmoe Mccarrick (bio) and Martina Darragh (bio)Each of us has some basic sense of what the words “fair” or “just” or “fairness” or “justice” mean. Each of us probably also has an idea of what is “fair” in health care. The attempt by the state of Oregon in the mid-1980s to quantify this notion made a previously private exercise a (...)
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  32.  15
    Factors Associated with Students’ Psychological Distress: The Roles of Creativity, Cognitive Flexibility, and Educational (Anti)mattering.Alexandra Maftei & Tina Vrabie - 2025 - British Journal of Educational Studies 73 (1):119-140.
    The present cross-sectional study examined some of the factors associated with psychological distress among students enrolled in Bachelor’s and Master’s programs. We investigated the roles of age, academic performance, creativity, cognitive flexibility, educational mattering, and anti-mattering and their roles when discussing participants’ psychological distress. Our sample comprised 337 students aged 19 to 29 from a Romanian public university, aged 19 to 29 (M = 20.86, SD = 1.55). Correlation analysis suggested that age, cognitive flexibility, educational mattering, and creativity were negatively (...)
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  33.  19
    A Black Gaze: Artists Changing How We See, Tina M. Campt (2021).Flora Dunster - 2022 - Philosophy of Photography 13 (2):307-313.
    Review of: A Black Gaze: Artists Changing How We See, Tina M. Campt (2021) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 232 pp., ISBN 978-0-26204-587-2, h/bk, $29.95 Dark Mirrors, Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa (2021) London: Mack Books, 240 pp., ISBN 978-1-91362-039-4, p/bk, £25.00.
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    Tina (AC) Besley and Michael A. Peters, Subjectivity and Truth: Foucault, Education, and the Culture of Self (New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2007), ISBN: 978-0820481951. [REVIEW]Bernadette M. Baker & Katharina E. Heyning - 2009 - Foucault Studies 7:148-153.
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    Review of Tina M. Campt: A black gaze: artists changing how we see[REVIEW]Emily Collins - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 50 (2):354-355.
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    Moral disengagement and academic engagement: the moderating roles of educational anti-mattering and psychological distress.Alexandra Maftei, Cristian Opariuc-Dan & Tina Vrabie - 2024 - Ethics and Behavior 34 (5):342-359.
    Research concerning the link between morality and education-related variables is scarce. Thus, the present study addressed this issue by focusing on the connection between moral disengagement and academic engagement and the moderating roles of educational anti-mattering and psychological distress. Our sample comprised 363 university students aged 18 to 29 (M = 20.86, SD = 1.57) from Bachelor’s and Master’s programs. Correlation analysis suggested that academic engagement was negatively associated with psychological distress and educational anti-mattering. Moderation analyses suggested that moral disengagement (...)
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  37.  16
    Mistr dialogu Milan Machovec: sborník k nedožitým osmdesátinám českého filosofa.Milan Machovec, Kamila Jindrová, Pavel Tachecí & Pavel Žďárský (eds.) - 2006 - Praha: Akropolis.
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    PANAGIA, DAVIDE. Rancière's Sentiments. Duke University Press, 2018, xv + 145 pp., 6 b&w illus., $23.95 paper.CHANTER, TINA. Art, Politics and Rancière: Broken Perceptions. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017, xv + 185 pp., 2 b&w illus., £85.00 cloth. [REVIEW]John M. Carvalho - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 77 (3):327-333.
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    Rozjímání vpřed i vzad: Karlu Kosíkovi k pětasedmdesátinám.Irena Šnebergová (ed.) - 2001 - Praha: Filosofia.
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  40. Jina khojā tina pāiyām̐. Osho - 1971 - Bambaī: Jīvana Jāgr̥ti Kendra Prakāśana.
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  41.  62
    M. L. Tina Stevens. Bioethics in America: Origins and Cultural Politics. xvi + 204 pp., index. Baltimore/London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000. $39.95. [REVIEW]Arthur L. Caplan - 2002 - Isis 93 (4):757-758.
  42. Kāvyanī paribhāshā: sāhityakr̥tinā svarūpa, sarjana, ane bhāvanamāṃ mūḷabhūta rīte sakriya jaṇātāṃ tatvonī sañjñāono viśishṭa abhyāsa.Yaśavanta Trivedī - 1978 - Mumbaī: Trivedī : prāptisthāna, Āra. Āra. Śeṭha.
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  43.  48
    Catalogue of Portraits of Naturalists, Mostly Botanists, in the Collections of the Hunt Institute, the Linnean Society of London, and the Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la Ville de Genéve. Michael T. Stieber, Anita L. Karg, Margot Walker, Gavin D. R. Bridson, Hervé M. Burdet, Marie M. Chautemps, Tina Moruzzi-BayoGuide to the Botanical Records and Papers in the Archives of the Hunt Institute, Part 2. Michael T. Stieber, Anita L. KargCatalogue of the Botanical Art Collection at the Hunt Institute. James J. White, Elizabeth R. Smith. [REVIEW]William Deiss - 1988 - Isis 79 (4):687-689.
  44. Convergences: Black Feminism and Continental Philosophy.Maria del Guadalupe Davidson, Kathryn T. Gines & Donna-Dale L. Marcano (eds.) - 2010 - SUNY Press.
    A range of themes—race and gender, sexuality, otherness, sisterhood, and agency—run throughout this collection, and the chapters constitute a collective discourse at the intersection of Black feminist thought and continental philosophy, converging on a similar set of questions and concerns. These convergences are not random or forced, but are in many ways natural and necessary: the same issues of agency, identity, alienation, and power inevitably are addressed by both camps. Never before has a group of scholars worked together to examine (...)
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  45. M. Gołaszewska Estetyka możliwości. Eseje filozoficzne.Anna M. Lankosz - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 12 (12):266-268.
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  46. Falsafiyān-i Islām.G̲h̲ulām Jīlānī Barq - 1968
  47.  71
    Comment by David M. Craig.David M. Craig - 2003 - Journal of Religious Ethics 31 (1):153-158.
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  48. Mafāhīm tarbawīyah fī fiqh al-daʻwah al-Islāmīyah.Mūsá Ibrāhīm Ibrāhīm - 2005 - ʻAmmān: Dār al-Aʻlām.
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    Social or Economic Goals? The Professional Goal Orientation of Students Enrolled in STEM and Non-STEM Majors in University.Ilka Wolter, Lisa Ehrtmann, Tina Seidel & Barbara Drechsel - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  50. Aktualʹnye problemy filosofskoĭ nauki.M. A. Abdullaev - 1999 - Makhachkala: [S.N.].
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